Three More Abhanga

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E.A. Colquitt composes her second abhanga trio – using the provided list of kigo words and phrases – for Tanka Tuesday’s 24 Seasons Syllabic Poetry Challenge, #34.

In this merry month of May, the poet has had a more… mixed experience. Should she have written three senryū instead?

CW: this post includes one instance of swearing.

Lone Fan

My long wait is over.
The month of Maying brings
a trailer for 'The Rings
of Power'. Yay!


Plant Mum

My strawberry babies
all have delicate, green
young leaves - because I've been
watering them.


Going On An Adventure

There can be no cooling
on the porch
, for my dog
escapes - I have to jog,
catch the menace.

The above is my response to Tanka Tuesday‘s poetry challenge: 24 Seasons. Using the twenty-four Japanese seasons of Japanese poetry – including kigo – we’re writing syllabic poetry every week for an entire year.

Challenge #34 is to engage with Rikka: the Beginning of Summer (5th–19th May) for the second time. I chose to compose another series of three abhanga, using the pre-set kigo phrases:

the month of Maying

young leaves

cooling on the porch

Find a list of responses here, at the beginning of Challenge #35 🙂

Yes, I like The Rings Of Power.

There. I said it.

This month, we got a trailer for Series 2, and Doctor Who also came back – both within seven days of each other. Right now, I’m trying to throw myself into these stories. I had some… interesting professional feedback on my novel, see, and I’m in two minds about it.

Again. There isn’t so much a tempest in me, as a block. Do I need to work with my inner child? I’m not certain. All I remember is that revisiting childhood favourites brings me joy (although a certain creative has, to be frank, really pissed me off, in recent years) – and joy makes it easier to write… well, anything.

Just let me have this (please, universe).

Ah, well. At least I caught my dog.

Image by Tanka Tuesday

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