Three More Abhanga

Reading Time: 5 mins and under Enjoy my work? Support it here ๐Ÿ™‚ E.A. Colquitt composes her second abhanga trio โ€“ using the provided list of kigo words and phrases โ€“ for Tanka Tuesdayโ€™s 24 Seasons Syllabic Poetry Challenge, #34. In this merry month of May, the poet has had a more... mixed experience. Should … Continue reading Three More Abhanga

Three Abhanga

Reading Time: 5 mins and under Want to support my work? You can now join me on Substack ๐Ÿ™‚ The Morning After the Whomas Before On Boxing Day, I wake to goblin clangs - how long before I get that song out of my head? *New Year, New Me Sagittarius left behind by Capricorn season … Continue reading Three Abhanga